Very lately I have observed that I forget things very easily. You introduced me your name and after 10 minutes I wont be able to recall. And birthday dates! ...It is like I always wish the person after his birthday is over. Well so what..Every time I wish my friends and family after their birthdays are over...and About names...My rommie, She is the most disgruntled girl on this whole cosmos seeing that for a successive period of 10 days I called her with a distinct name. It put me in lot of discomposure and embarrassment at certain goings-on. As I used to forget certain assignment or work given to me. But I never tried to get weighty about it.
One day in a windy morning, when I woke up I had nothing to do. So I started searching some books in my book shelf. I picked up one book and started reading but couldn't exactly guess the meaning of few words. I searched for my dictionary and I coudnt find it. Hence I went to my next door neighbor and asked....
ME: Do you have my dictionary?
She: She was on the phone.....(In a very ferocious mood, she was talking to her BF, so she ignored me!)
ME: Continuously knocking on the door instead of realizing that I can ask it later also...
She: (Got irritated …..and yelled at me in a very abrupt and barbaric manner.) “ How many times you will come to ask me for this, This is the 8th time you are coming. It is too much. You should take care of your belongings. When I told in last seven times that I have not taken your dictionary ....why do you come again and again...”...
ME: I apologizes you for coming to you 8th time . I am so sorry. I just forgot.
She: Garishly....How many times do you forget? Have you got brain?
I came back from that place as I got agonized because of my own misdemeanor . Nonetheless I started cussing her..
Isn't she aware of how to talk to a colleague?
How ill-behaved she is? How dare she is to yell at me?
Let her come next time ..I will take avenge of this guff.... that she did to me..
What she thinks of her self?
How can she forget things which I did for her?
Kitni gandi hai vo...How impertinent and discourteous she is?
These south Indians are like that only....They are boorish, mean, loutish,
I will never help her....in future..
I will see her I know she will come to me when she will need this...that thing from me...
moti bhains.....chunky buffalo...
cocky, roli-poli buffalo.......moti kaddu kahi ki,...Tu dekh Me batati hoon tuje.....
I ll never talk to her in future, even if she will talk to me I will sidestep her and will yammer at her like” “why are you disquieting me?” “I am busy.” “I cant speak to you”..With these thoughts I went to bathroom.....Got ready..
went outside with a badgering frame of mind...Thinking in mind ( Why did I go to this stupid girl.. how can I forget things)
I met few of my friends and went with them to temple..We sang songs..We played games...After going there I forgot everything that happened in morning.
At the later part of the day when I returned back happily..to my place. I wanted to share my Prasad with someone. And the first person whom I gave this prasad was my next door neighbor...
I told her about my trip ….After which we went for tea together, We dined together........
Ultimately when I went on to sleep..I thought What did I get by cursing her??
When I knew that I will forget everything whatever she will say!