Sleep...When it comes..very hard to escape..
Since I have come here it has become a routine for me to sleep whenever the trainers are around....
Since they call us professionals they expect us to behave like professionals.........But then also something or the other thing happens...
Na..Na It's not like that I don't behave like a professional, I give my 100% to it..But unfortunately I can't escape my sleep...whenever a trainer is blathering something.....it puts me automatically into sleep........
It's like it is rooted in my nerves....whenever trainer comes ....My all neurons of body send a single signal to brain......... “ WOW........NOW IT IS THE TIME FOR SLEEP..”
I just go to sleep...
I always try to control my sleep.........I promise my self not to sleep when the trainers are around..I also ask my next neighbors to pinch me, tweak my hands and nip on to my shoulders so that I can stay awake for some time and get something.....
But alas! Nothing works for me...............every time I sleep I get caught …..Now people must be thinking that I don't sleep in night....but it is nothing to do with that.....Even though I sleep for 6-7 hours..i still do keep yawning....What does that indicate......?.
.Is there a problem with me...
Or is there some problem with my trainers who are very reputed and recognized people....Or is it a problem with the profession....BANKING...
Is banking boring?........
I didn't know previously but when I read the novel “ Everyone worth knowing” the writer was so influencing that I convinced myself that I get sleep because banking is boring........There is no fault in me...I am absolutely fine..The fault lies in the profession that I have chosen....But it is something about which I cant do anything...I know if I have to survive I have to like banking...But how............If I try to find out any mistake in cheque, dd, BO or an MC.....All the time I will be increasing my liabilities......I know, I seriously have to do something......
I don't hate banking I really like it if it done for few hours........but for 12 hours …............. it really sucks!..
whenever my mind hear the word “banking” It automatically triggers a signal to go to sleep...and that is what happening now.............I think if I will continuously talk about the term banking.......I will go for …..sleep.... ...I should stop using the term banking before I …z....z......z......nrrr.....nrrr..............nrrr..............nrrr...